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Grants Award Policy Statement
Lexington Sunrise Rotary Club Foundation
The purpose of this Policy Statement is to provide the Club and applying organizations an understanding of the priorities, procedures, and criteria used by the Club in the solicitation, receipt, and consideration of applications.
- Target Groups: A continuing priority will be given to projects proposing to serve local youth. Additional priority categories may be established by the Board.
- Project Impact: Grant-award applications initiating or continuing a worthwhile endeavor (but not supporting normal annual operations) will be given priority. Activities must constitute a specific identifiable project that can be evaluated against its objectives.
Application Procedures
- Application Cycle: Applications will be solicited for two intervals, January 1 to May 31 and July 1 to November 30. Grant applications received by the Club during these periods will be approved or denied by the 15th of the month following the period. Applications that reflect an urgent need or critical time sensitivity may be evaluated outside the cycle, but this will be an unusual exception.
- Application Format: Applications will address the following:
- Use of requested funds, including: service area; service target; relation of funds requested to total project funding;
- Project objectives;
- Project activities designed to accomplish objectives;
- How the project will be evaluated.
- Submission of Grant Application
- Grant applications should be mailed to:
Lexington Sunrise Rotary Club
ATTN: Donations Committee
Post Office Box 63
Lexington, VA 24450
- Application Evaluation Criteria: Applications considered during a given period will be compared on the following criteria:
- The priority of the service target in relation to the Club's funding agenda;
- The importance of the problem being addressed;
- The impact of the project on the solution of the problem;
- The clarity of the application;
- The cost-effectiveness of the project.
Funding Procedures
All awards will be a definite amount, during a definite period of time. Commitments to multi-period grants will not be made. Priority will be given to awards of $500 and over; however lesser amounts will be considered when it is clear that they will make a significant impact.
Recommendations for the funding of grant applications will be made by the Donations Committee to the Board of the Lexington Sunrise Rotary Club Foundation.
The grantee shall submit a report to the Club describing the activities and the accomplishments of the project in a manner that supports and identifies the grant amount as soon as possible.
Under Club Links, if you click on Documents, you will find Lexington Sunrise Grant Recipients 2003-2015 doc.
SPCA Donation